Sunday, April 15, 2012

Over at the Achalasia board this morning I was thinking how much every place I blog (with the *notable* exception of here) comes with the same cast of characters. . . . The YES-BUT, the Catastrophiser, the Negative-Nelly, the Scorpion, the Do-Bees (gladly, they are more than the others), the Helper Bees, the Helpless, the Hopeless. True for both of my dating sites, the BBB, the A-group. Not so true of facebook, because you have more choice? Also, facebook heuristics seem to change who you see on your feed page, over time: those you respond to most often, show more often, those you read and pass on show less often. I was surprised to go checking on my peeps I hadn't seen for a while to note they had been posting all along, just not showing in my feed. So the essence of facebook is that you get more of what you like, less of what you don't -- which is more like what we do in real life, and much less like your average blog. . . .

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