Tuesday, January 26, 2010

(Just found this!!)

Ally’s Grammy and Grampa wrote, today:

Ally was one happy little girl today to see the NH doctor and her nurses. The relief at being in a familiar place with her people was so obvious.

Even though the Pedi clinic was not open the play room was immediately unlocked for Ally and another little girl. We made numerous trips and even found a Spiderman book.

At 4:20 when the pump beeped and the last medication was done the smile on Ally's face was priceless. Where is a camera when you need one? Ally looked at us and said now we go home and see Mommy, Daddy and Monty.

She amazes us everyday with her strength, courage and ability to make us smile under any circumstances.

Love you lots Ally. Grammy and Grampa

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