Sunday, November 01, 2009

We loved you Anni

For Annilow

Annilow has died. She left without

telling us what was happening, though

there were hints. She talked of

walking pneumonia, left us photos

of crop circles, reminded us

of musical events, grumbled that

some of us hated AARP,

in all brought herself to us

and was herself our friend.

She's left us now in the way

we knew her and we have

the gifts she gave, music,

her role as a teacher, her

opinons, African travelogue and mystery.

It's not the song that's sung,

nor the singer, but the singing

the divine now, the presence,

and though we'll never know

beginnings and ends, we witness

them and bring our own songs

singing what and whom we love.

By Pat in Colorado on Nov 1, 2009 10:48 AM EST