Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009 4:54 PM, EDT

Ally is the best patient. Sometimes we wish she wouldn't be. This week we are giving her GCSF injections. These daily shots help her immune system build up white blood cells. Like a normal 2 year old she does not like the shot, and also like a normal 2 year old, no matter how many code words we use or how many words we spell, she always knows what we are talking about. This morning Ally woke up extra early, so she didn't get her shot right away. A bit after she woke up we were talking about it, and Ally picked up on it, so we thought we would just go ahead and give it to her. Like the good little girl she is, even though she hates the shot (one of the FEW things she will actually cry about), she headed over to her nap area, laid down on her blankets and waited for us to come with the needle. She is so awesome, but at the same time I feel so sad about it.

Tomorrow Ally heads to DHMC for her first of 3 day visits in a row. She has to be at the cancer clinic for 2:00, and then she gets her MIBG injection at 3:30. Then she comes home. On Thursday she gets her MIBG scan (6 hours of no eating before hand...and that late in the day you KNOW they will be running behind). On Friday she goes back up for a CT scan, a bone scan and her G-Tube will be replaced with a mic-key button (another 6 hours of no eating). This will mean that, instead of a foot long tube sticking out of Ally she will just have a small device coming out of her belly. This means NO MORE ONESIES! Yippie! We can put her in fun shirts!

The bigger meaning of all these scans is to see what the chemo is doing. Please pray that it is beating that tumor down! I will be sure to update when we get some results back.

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