Tuesday, November 25, 2008

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2008 04:42 PM, EST

I am not really sure this actually happened today, but this is how I remembered the day going:

Ally sleeps until 7:00AM!!!! (late for her)

We play, nap and eat until noon, when we head for DHMC. Ally is quiet and happy in the back seat the whole way up.

1:30 We arrive for Ally's first appointment. They take us right in, do what they need to do (in about 15 minutes) and then tell us we can hang out in that room until our next appointment at 2:45 with ultrasound. They give ultrasound a call anyway. They tell us they can take us early! We get to ultrasound around 2:00. They are completely finished by 2:30 (15 minutes BEFORE we were even supposed to be there!). I tell them our next appointment is not until 3:30. She calls those people, they say, come on down! So, we head to her last appointment almost an hour early and they take us right in, service Ally with a radioactive injection and we are on our way, out of the hospital before her last appointment was supposed to begin!

Then, we get home to 245 cards from the Mill River community (a town in Vermont one of Daddy's cousins teaches in) (and yes I counted them!). We have not had time to look at all of them, but they are very colorful and all for ALLY!

Tomorrow Ally gets a one hour med infusion, an echocardiogram and an MIBG scan. Tomorrow is a day she will not be able to eat after 7AM. She will go under around 1:00 and should be awake about an hour later.

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