Saturday, November 15, 2008




Row true into the descending fog
the shore fades from view

but is still there


set course and row
into the gloom

Rest if you must, father,
in the front of the boat
a true course easier
one rowing alone than two.

It was you
who brought us to sight
of shore, near, in the fading light.

I'll take it from here.

and so I row
while my father sleeps

the sky will clear
with the dawn
the fog, dripping dew

~~ Phil Specht


Anonymous said...

thanks again

puddle said...

Thank you! It's quit beautiful.

♥ to your dad.

John Walter said...

The images are perfect for the theme. It works for my father, too. Thanks for sharing, Phil.

Anonymous said...

I just saw this today. I immediately lost it and cried...and cried. I miss my fishing buddy so much. Coming up on 18 yrs. Hugs Phil