Thursday, October 02, 2008

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 02, 2008 06:34 PM, EDT

Ally had a good day with Grammy and Grampa. She got to go for a walk (and got caught out in the rain...poor Grammy and Grampa were wet, but Ally was bundled up nicely).

Last night Ally was sleeping well and then at 11:00 we were woken up to beep beep beep beep beep beep....
Her pump had air in it. Daddy looked it all over, could find no air bubbles (tiny ones are okay, big ones, not so much), finally made it stop beeping. We were sure Ally would need a grown up to sleep with for the rest of the night, but she went right back to sleep.....until 11:45 when it happened again. Stupid pump, just a tiny air bubble and it beeped like crazy. This time she needed someone to sleep with. It was Daddy's turn, because Mommy had to get up earlier. Ally wanted Mommy. We switched, and then when it was time for Mommy to get up Daddy had to do another quick switcharoo and take my place. Our girl Ally is smart. She rolled over, felt Daddy's face and was not fooled.

Wish us luck for quiet pumps and a baby who sleeps at least most of the night by herself. We have decided to "break the habit" starting tomorrow night.

listener sent along those words of wisdom:
"A habit is easy to break; a need is not."
Sure hope they are all sleeping well soon!

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