Thursday, April 17, 2008

THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 2008 04:04 PM, EDT
From Ally's Mom

What a beautiful day!

Ally had more blood taken today. Her results are back. Her white blood cells have rebounded enough for us to be able to stop giving her injections each night. YEAH! Her red blood cells are still dropping, especially her platelets (the part of the blood that helps you clot). Not low enough to transfuse tomorrow, but if they have not come up by Monday, we will probably be going to DHMC on Tuesday. Her next round of chemo is scheduled for the 25th as long has her counts are high enough. We are hoping a week will be enough to do that.

Here is how her weight had been:
April 4: 17 pounds
April 14: 15 pounds 14 ounces
April 17: 16 pounds 7.5 ounces!
This last round of chemo really knocked her down, but she gained 9.5 ounces in 3 days, so we are hoping she gains a lot before her next round!

Her mood has been great! She went for another walk with grammy and grampa, while mommy attended a meeting at work and woof woofed at some elderly women! And she is climbing on everything, still not that interested in walking, but the docs told us she is going to be delayed in things like that.

Speaking of work, I am headed back on the 28th. Wish me luck!

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