Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Ally's Mom relates:

It's a stinky day in the PICU. It was one of those 2 steps forward, 3 steps back kind of days.

First, she is still puking when we put food and sometimes meds into her belly, so the plan was to move her NG tube past her tummy and into her intestines. That did not work (it coiled up on itself) so we had to go to this room where they could put her under an x-ray and do it again. This did not work, so tomorrow they will try again with a bigger NG tube.

Second, her virus is not getting better, so they have to use a tent where they will mist her meds into her. She will need to be in it for 2 hours 3 times a day for 3-7 days. We really can't touch her when she is in the tent, and there are some side effects. It can give her asthma type symptoms and will lower her blood counts, which are low anyway because of the chemo. Also, if you are preggers or even thinking about getting pregger you can't be ANYWHERE near the stuff!

It is 8:20 PM right now, Ally has napped for maybe 30 minutes today, she is SO overtired and they still have not set up the tent for the first 2 hour round. We are tired and just want our baby to have some sleep. It doesn't look like that is likely in the foreseeable future.

Also, she is slightly radioactive because of a test they are giving her tomorrow.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Please send prayers and vibes and light candles!

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