Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ally's Mom writes:

Her 2nd treatment of her 1st round of chemo is over. So far, so puke. We will keep our fingers crossed for the next few hours. We are hoping for a peaceful night. Ally has been quite playful and has even laughed a couple of times today! She is also talking her baby speak. It has been too long since we have heard that. Her Daddy and I were both smiling big!

She is still on her back, with no strength to sit on her own, but we see her strength growing each day. She has successfully pulled the following off of her: Her NG tube, her leads (which monitor her heartbeat), her "glow toe" which measures her oxygen level, her very sterile and very important central line cover, and she is trying like mad to get her central line tubes and her blood pressure cuff. Even with all this stupid stuff happening to her she causes trouble! We love her!

Good day today! Thanks to everyone again. Even though thanks isn't enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To Ally's Mommy,

We are hoping Ally's nurses are giving her some medication to keep her from feeling sick from the chemo before she gets it, that way her tummy will feel more settled during her treatments.

LOL, I am not a Peds nurse, but even our adult clients fiercely try to remove their tubes when they begin to improve. This is a great sign.

Take care and please try to find some time for you and Ally's daddy to rest.

Hugs from the Pacific NW.