Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Monday, after getting off the plane, Thankful and I went to the Guthrie, to leave a picture for Joe Dowling. Edwin had toured the Guthrie while he was in Minneapolis had been stunned at the theatre, and left a note for Joe telling him how much he'd love to come back. When I knew I'd be in Minneapolis, I found a wonderful picture that Edwin had taken of his mountain meadow where he and Fezziwig had played during his cancer recovery, had enlarged and framed, and took it to Joe. Who wasn't there, so the same lovely and gracious secretary as had given him the tour, gave us one. And took the picture into her caretaking, with the promise it would have an honored home at the Guthrie.

Then we saw the black box theatre, I told her about the shadow and the ghost light, and she showed us where the cantilever was. We bought black box lunches (apple, brownie, chicken salad sandwiches, and Pepsis) and walked out onto the end to eat lunch.

Somehow the day pulled together beautifully.

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