Friday, September 01, 2006

Definitely not chocolate éclairs . . . .

En bâtissant cette chapelle, j'ai voulu créer un lieu de silence, de prière, de Paix, de joie intérieure.
Le sentiment du sacré anima notre effort.
Des choses sont sacrées, d'autres ne le sont pas, qu'elles soient religieuses ou non.


By building this vault, I wanted to create a place of silence, prayer, Peace, of interior joy. The feeling of crowned animated our effort. Things are crowned, others are not it, that they are chocolate éclairs or not.
(Translation, courtesty of Babelfish)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it, but next time if you have some French to translate, I know folks who work cheap!

Come to think of it, those chocolate eclairs do look sorta like little nuns in a box.