Sunday, March 26, 2006

And throw 'I love you' echoes down the canyon


Anonymous said...

The only problem is that there are 2 very large buildings, as some smaller ones, missing from the canyon.

Never forget what happened on 9/11. Never revert to 9/10 thinking.

puddle said...

Republicans will never be respected intellectually until they are able to desist from parroting RNC talking points. Nothing has been done in five years to make us any safer. Making my 75 year old former sister in law drop her drawers in airports hasn't done it; removing mother's milk hasn't done it; getting our kids killed in Iraq hasn't done it.

Please get real: Commander Bunnypants talks a great game to the already convinced. For the rest of us, it's just not working.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, "Homeland Security" is so on top of things that agents were able to smuggle in enough radioactive material to make dirty bombs in two locations.

Bush doesn't care about our safety. It's all about controlling the population through fear.