Saturday, January 21, 2006

Wonderfully absurd things left off of the four memes lists, or not asked ~~
Razzle and Dazzle -- a pair of calico cats
Painbrush, my first horse -- purely imaginary
(my two cousins named theirs Black Beauty and White Beauty ~~ am I a contrarian, or what?)
DeeDee, my Daddy's name for me
Grinny, another of my Daddy's names for me
Ode to Joy
Your Turn to Curtsy, My Turn to Bow
The Lady's Not for Burning
Played a tree in Peter Pan
George Ruff, third grade
34C fifth grade
17, front seat, in front of my parents' house
12 carat gray star sapphire ring
Miriamne -- name of daughter I never had
bucking rivets -- first job; for my dad; 25¢ an hour
Eldest of nine (six brothers and two sisters)

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