Sunday, December 11, 2005

Leapin' Leopard Skin Hats!

Possibly the worst date of my life was with a guy from Africa wearing a Leopard skin hat. (No, not the one above.) He was a pig. I knew he was a pig when I said I would. And I paid for being willing to spend an evening with a pig.

Thing is, I was a liberal. I'd dated, and even fallen in love with, other black men. It would have been, what?, impolitic? to turn this one down. Like I said: bad idear. He was a pig to the core.

Why is it that liberals, progressives, radicals, et al. have to listen to everyone? Everyone doesn't listen to us. Others are unable to think, have world views about the size of a pig's eye. Why is it that we must listen to them? Why, in the name of free speech, is it necessary? Does free speech involve imprisoned listeners?


Anonymous said...

Well, puddle. The way I'm feeling tonight..... People are perfectly free to say anything they want. I also have "freedom of listening". If what they say makes me sick to my stomach I reserve the right to throw up on them.

All speech is free, but people forget that all speech also has consequences. All speech elicits response of one kind or another.

Oh, wait...I forgot about Judges's ability to impose "Gag Orders". Yeah, gag orders...that's the ticket!

puddle said...

Susan ~~ ♥s!!!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes we test ourselves to see if we can over-come our revulsions.
Also, liberals do subscribe to the notion that you don't know for sure until AFTER you've tried it.
Then too, expecting us to exclude certain people on the basis of some superficial characteristic is a strategy used by our peers to manipulate us. It's the impulse to resist that manipulation which leads us to connect with people whom there are probably lots of other reasons to dis. Or is that diss?

On the other hand, it's not unusual for people who expect to be rejected to behave in a manner that is sure to get them rejected. I think they do it because it gives them a sense of being in control over something they can't.