Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Lord! A virgin

Blog. This should be earth-shatteringly insightful eh?

Not going to happen. Been up
all night making (among other things) this blog happen.
But then again, there's, ummm, this thing about virgins, and what they're good at and what they're not. So gimme some practice time, and perhaps. . . .

(Yeah, right, sez the inner cynic.)

Been wanting to play with using "an unfinished woman" theme, but it rang just a bit too familiar. Googling: I was right, Lillian beat me to the title. . . .

Oh, well, one great title a night is all anyone is entitled to, eh?

BTW, sorry about no commenting, but until I learn how to delete viagra, et al. posts, I think the better part of wisdom is not to allow posting. (Dun tol' you I wuz a virgin, lol!)

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