Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Squirrel Gravy

Two squirrels, skinned, etc. Remove scent glands on back legs. Thigh, thigh, drumstick, drumstick, back, breast, breast. 1/2 cup flour. Salt, pepper (marjoram, etc). Dredge squirrel in flour. Heat 1/2 cup lard (okay, butter) in big cast iron skillet . Fry squirrel till browned. Turn heat down, cover pan, cook another 20 minutes till done. Remove, and keep warm. Remove all but about 4 TB lard (butter). Take 4 TB of the seasoned flour, mix with a pint of chicken soup (broth), shake well, till all flour is dissolved. Pour slowly into hot pan, keeping heat low stir till it thickens. Either put squirrel back in gravy and cook some more, or put squirrel pieces on plate and pour gravy over.

Yes. It is good.

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