Thursday, August 07, 2008

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 06, 2008 12:31 PM, EDT

Today Ally is working on a bunch of tests. Yesterday she had an echocardiogram. Today she is currently doing a kidney test where they inject her with radioactive material and then draw blood at 2, 3 and 4 hours out. She has already had an EKG today as well. The only other thing is a hearing test. In the past she has been put out for this test, but they don't want to do that, so they are going to try while she is awake. It takes about an hour and she probably needs to be still. I can make a prediction about how well this is going to go.....

We ARE going home on Friday (as long as something strange doesn't happen). They want to try to get us back here as early as August 15th, but the floor is PACKED! (They already have her room full for Friday afternoon). They told us to be ready for the 15th, but to also be ready to not come that day. So, we will be living day to day, out of suitcases from home for a bit!

Also, last night was her last GCSF (the meds that help her ANC go up). That means they will drop. Her body will need time to figure out it is no longer getting a boost, but eventually they will catch up.

Ally is so cute that while she was getting her radioactive injection and wearing a mask that covers most of her face AND crying like crazy...they all said she was sooooooooo cute!

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