Wednesday, December 21, 2005



Anonymous said...

Thank you Maria Cantwell for leading the good fight. Thanks to all the Senators who stood up to Ted Stevens and voted against spoiling a beautiful, pristine land. My heart is with the Gwich'in Athabascans whose world must seem much better today.

The Arctic National Wildlife Preserve is safe today, but we must be vigilant and never give up the fight to save her.

Puddle, your Walnut Penuche looks divine.

I tried to sign in, but my password would not work. Anyway this is from kheart.

puddle said...

k♥ ~~ The Penuche, while not my Mom's recipe (she took that with her: I forgot to ask while I could), was the one kind of fudge she made while I was growing up. Love the stuff. . . .

And Hooray for last night's work on ANWR. You're right though: they'll try again, and again. We must keep on keeping on. . . .

Anonymous said...

oh you know how much land they will be using? 2000 acres...out of over 9million.

Please stop with the stuff already.