Sunday, November 08, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009 6:04 PM, EST

Today was the big reveal for Ally's playhouse! It is beyond words. Ally had such a good time. Daddy and I could tell she REALLY liked it, because she continued to play even though there were lots of people around. We couldn't invite EVERYONE to the party, so if you didn't come today, let us know if you are going to be in the Concord area and you can stop on by for a private will have to go down the slide though!

Pictures are up at :
There are also pics from New York...only a few because the hospital does not allow cameras and we didn't want to take pics with other kids at the Ronald McDonald House for privacy reasons.

Daddy and I are looking forward to Wednesday when we both have the day off to really get to play with Ally and explore all the super stuff she got. Speaking of super stuff she got...Ally sort of ripped through all her presents before we could take note of who got her THANKS! everyone who got her something for her playhouse.

More stories about New York later in the week!
Did I mention we are happy to be home?

Have a great week...hug a Veteran.

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