Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday, November 30, 2009 8:19 PM, EST

Totally jinxed Ally. The doctor called with blood test results and said Ally needed to come up for a transfusion. She called back a minute later and said they wanted to keep Ally overnight. Her counts were VERY low. We have not seen counts like this since Ally was in Boston for her Stem Cell Transplant.
And the hair. Daddy and I noticed lots of Ally sized hair on her shirt and pillow today. Oh well. She is a cutie when she is bald.

I saw myself for a split second on Extreme Home Makeover, and only because I knew exactly where I was sitting. It was when Ty was panning the hospital with his hand held camera. Daddy and Ally were on the other side of me and cut out of the shot. It was still a good episode, and not about Ally, so it is probably a good thing she wasn't in it; because she would have stolen the show.

The plan is for Ally to get platelets and red blood cells tonight and go home tomorrow morning, as long as her temperature stays good. (Wait...did I just jinx the poor kid again?)

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