Monday, August 24, 2009

Awise ye Wacoons of teh World!!

The Council of Elders


Mama's brought the boyz


Party's Over. . . .



Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!
You weren't kidding when you said you had a bad case of racoons.
So they are ignoring you now while you snap pictures? That's a bad sign...
Next thing you know you'll wake up by the creek and they'll have moved into your house!

puddle said...

I'm standing above them, in the dark. If I come out with the porch light on, and the *see* me, they run like krezzy. Still, I think you're right: that could be where it's headed. . . .

A young one broke in a few years ago while I was in NYC, did a lot of damage before he found he way back out. But nothing much of interest; maybe he told the others?