Monday, February 09, 2009

In France, they ask
"Where do the robins go in summer?"
The passerines all sing
Robins are darker in the Maritimes.

I sit, hands in lap,
and wait, somewhat patiently
for the indigo buntings' return
drunk on passion flower nectar

Passing at night
star steered
exactly home

The crows joyously
drive the hawks away
and it's time, past time
for the eagles' mating fall

The last of the ice
at river's edge clings
but is doomed -- spring smiles
around every trunk and blade

9 February 2009


Anonymous said...

I am transfigured to another land

Quietly sitting on outer porch

Gazing over rock-strewn and willow covered meadow

Holding hand and heart and soul...dreaming of what dwells within

Knowing our lives intertwine anew as spring finds us...together always

Anonymous said...

Positively lovely, m'love, positively!! You are becoming a poet on your own.