Tuesday, November 04, 2008



Anonymous said...

Yes indeedy do. Whoooop. I was so afraid that something or a number of somethings might go wrong. And it happened. And we were alive to see it.

love, Mary

puddle said...

Ah, yes, me, too! Been a wreck for a couple of months, lol! Jus' about everybody I know was feeling about the same. . . .

Imagine that: both a black man, AND exactly the President we needed, exactly NOW! How lucky or likely is *that*?

Anonymous said...

It's really not very likely, is it? Maybe it's not real--we certainly don't deserve it. WHOOOP!

puddle said...

You're taking it well, crayon. HugZ

Anonymous said...

History has shown that this country's greatest Presidents come along at those times of our greatest need.

I think this will once again be the case with Tuesday's results.

The need for greatness certainly exists and everything that I've seen indicates that Mr. Obama will more than measure up.

Anonymous said...

Aside from our need, I think what I like best is that sense that we *can* put aside hate. . . . Or *most* of us can. Bodes well for the future.