Thursday, November 13, 2008

NEW YORK (AP) -- President George W. Bush fervently defended U.S.-style free enterprise Thursday as the cure for the world's financial chaos, not the cause. He warned foreign leaders ahead of a weekend summit not to crush global growth with restrictive new rules.

"We must recognize that government intervention is not a cure-all," Bush said from Wall Street, setting his own tone for the two-day meeting that begins Friday in Washington seeking solutions to the economic crisis that has spread around the world. "Our aim should not be more government. It should be smarter government."


Anonymous said...

Smarter government???

Is THAT why he's getting out?

It sure took him a moment or two to reach such a conclusion, but then who would expect anything else from someone of his intellect?

Anonymous said...

Big grin, lol!

Doubt it was *his* decision, prolly Mr. Rove gave him the heads'up. . . .
