Monday, October 13, 2008

Sometimes a Great Notion. . . .

The evidence is perhaps equally strong, however, that the Bradley Effect does not exist any longer. As can be seen in the Hopkins paper for Harvard University that I have referenced many times, at some point during the mid 1990s the Bradley Effect seems to be disappeared.

Thinking back to the early 70's in Maryland, when busing was making peeps very angry. My second grader asked, "Mom, what's busing?" I said: "When kids get on a school bus to go to school." "No it *isn't* " he said. "If that's all it is, why is everyone so upset?" So I told him.

A couple of years later, he had a good friend in school. I was constantly hearing about this friendship. I was delighted for him (not a child who made friends easily). It wasn't until parent-teacher conference that his teacher told me that this friend of my son was a black child. A direct result of busing, which I absolutely supported. Something similar happened to my younger son in fifth and sixth grade.

During that period I read a study of the results of busing in other areas. The gist was that, in fact, neither group got a better education from the practice. But that what *did* change was that neither group was any longer *afraid* of the other group.

These children are 44 and 42 -- no longer even young voters. . . . And I have a very hard time imagining either of them voting on the basis of race. And I also imagine that much of America now fits that same paradigm. . . .

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