Tuesday, August 19, 2008

In case of rain

Leave pans under the drips
Get naked
Remember I never thought I'd be loved like this

Leave the windows open
Inspect for green
and mushrooms

14 August 2008

I see your face, far
lakes, rivers, skies
full of thunderheads
reflected in your eyes

And long to be your landscape
reflected back to me

Bright faces sun tropes, tropics
Every seed breaking into life
Scope and scene, before
and after
Just a touch, there,
at the small of the back

Old themes, unicorns with pomegranates,
rainbows after the flood
Adam and his mate (who was she?)
And ocean blue with fragments of light
teeming with many living things
Bright rivers rushing over rocks
What has been decided
How much choice, after all?

14 August 2008

If you are not here, with me
within a touch's length
what then matters?

Dark falls, and I do not hear your voice
What then?

14 August 2008

The air is bright as I fall
awaiting rescue in your arms
which takes place
as scheduled and as predicted

You carry me away
to all the new places
rough or becalmed
quick seasons and sturdy

Fingers move
in buttons, buckles
play in the cross of
hair across your chest

Curling into the sweet crescent
of your flesh at sleep or waking
finding always, the promise fulfilled
then joy

17 August 2008


And we, two fools, just struck
besotted, drenched, drowned in
each other's love

fine tuned Stradivari
music pitched beyond the human ear
soul hears
seers see
sears the air, which crackles
and sparkles all around

18 August 2008

standing silent in the dark

listening for your breath
which comes quick and more quick
rapt in your smell
wrapped in your arms

there does not need to be more
but there is

19 August 2008

1 comment:

puddle said...

Nope, can't do it. It's based on flash, and this 'puter don't do flash no mo', lol!