Friday, July 11, 2008

I was busy
.......................for Sarge

The whole of my life, till late --
slow learning, careful, each twig and stone
inspected, catalogued, archived. . . .

Successful, I think and thought, at seeking
out the crannies of the soul. Spirit had not
escaped my notice. And yet. . . .

The men I married, bean counters, focussed on
what could be touched, pictured, named, banked. Soul
soared, of necessity, alone. And for that I cannot blame them

The grande loves of my life given over, the poet to drink and
the actor, to death. My route delayed, I came late to silence
Late to the quiet mind. And then, out of that silence, a peace

so deep, there is no fathoming of it. So green and growing,
no counting of the beanstock of it, searching its tendrils out to the
edge of all that is known and unknown. No cataloguing of the why of it

I know only, with deepest gratitude, your shoulder in the night
to fall asleep against is a kind of a joy and a peace I've never known,
a sweet satisfaction and pleasure I have in no way earned

Simple symbol of the gift of yourself. Given wholly and compleatly
Received thankfully and without question. And given back entirely
I hope. And promise.

8 July 2008


Anonymous said...

To find life and love like this is all
A pearl in a crazed sea,
A port of calm deep waters,
And a quiet shelter where peace dwells.

Yet above everything it is the you who provides the glue to make everything right.
And it is. . . it is . . . it is.

Anonymous said...

You are. . . you are. . . you are, and how could I not love you?

That was positively beautiful, my love. . . .