Monday, May 05, 2008

MONDAY, MAY 05, 2008 04:17 PM, EDT
On Ally's Mommy's 30th Birthday...

Happy Cinco de Mayo and b-day to me. Now that I am 30 I can no longer be trusted, so who knows if what I write is true???????

Anyway, here is the 2nd hand scoop from Ally's Daddy to me (at work):

Ally appears to have an ear infection. They are going to start her on ear drops. She is on a general antibiotic as well. She also has thrush (again) so she is on another antibiotic for that. Also, she has been so wound up when they are taking her blood pressure that it is elevated. Her blood pressure meds had been cut in half, but they are bringing them back up just to be safe. So, just when we get her down to 2 meds, she is back up to about 5 or 6! She is not eating well, but things are moving through her.

Things are looking slightly better for her coming home tomorrow, but the bigger possibility is for her to be there until Thursday or Friday.

She has been really sleepy and cuddly today, something Daddy, Grammy and Grampa have had to deal with (I am sure with smiles on their faces!). Mommy wishes she could be there too, but not possible. She will see her tomorrow though! (Perhaps the worst b-day ever for me, although the 21st was not much fun either...for strange reasons...I can remember it all!) lets all have a collective hope that Ally perks up around the docs and they send her home tomorrow!

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