Saturday, April 26, 2008


it's green you give me, gardener,
clear rising just beneath the bark
knowing, careful, tender

the world in bloom, from you
to me and back to you
majik in the veins, exchanged

time slips a bit, catches, holds
now, tomorrow, all tomorrows

the morning, glorious and gold
gives way to coming thunder, rain
and all that is green rejoices

26 April 2008


Anonymous said...

My heart leaps with joy
Knowing our spring is here
Seeds sown with faith last fall
Quietly nurtured by patient gardener

Reach forth to find sun’s sweet warmth
And feel long sought light and love anew
A river flows through canyons of my mind
To carry tender feelings across time to you

The bridge we build and now can cross
Finds the path of happiness and countless dreams

Soon my love…soon

puddle said...

Sweet, indeed, so sweet. . . .