Sunday, May 06, 2007


First greeting of the first violets
Followed by the elder full of bloom
and the honeysuckle foaming along
the hedgerows.

The pale luminescent green of the new dogwood,
flutters in the understorey
the dark translucence of the Redbud, greening.

The first crop of lion's teeth all blowsy
and fields gone gold with wild mustard

Mayapple poking up its charming green umbrellas
the flower you'll never find without hunting for it

All the apples but the eldest in full bloom
the old lady always waits

Spring has made it through another
winter. Go. Do likewise.


Anonymous said...

No violet fleurs yet here.
Out back the leaves are small but healthy.
Our front, on the north side,
they are just poking through the soil now.
But, ah, the fiddleheads are up!

Welcome Spring! ♥


Anonymous said...

Do you eat them, listener? The fiddleheads, I mean.