Friday, March 30, 2007

This post at Howard Empowered People, got me thinking about evil. When I was young, about 12, and discovered the Holocaust, I worried a lot about what it was possible for human beings to do to each other. Could my parents? My brothers? Could I? Could anyone?

There seems to be reason to suspect that Yes, anyone could.

So the next step here, because this blog is at least partly political, is to wonder about those that let
this happen. Indeed: Caused this to happen.

No supervision, no oversight, no caring? Fits.

Who *ever* told Bush, Rove, Cheney that what they were doing was NOT okay? That to do what they've done all their lives to other people is NOT okay, has NEVER been okay, and WILL NEVER be okay?

1 comment:

puddle said...

Thank you, Sweetie. On my good days, I know it does. . . .