Monday, August 28, 2006

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Foreign Affairs, published by the Council on Foreign Relations, asks a pertinent question in the Sep/Oct 2006 issue: Is There Still a Terrorist Threat?

On the first page of its founding manifesto, the massively funded Department of Homeland Security intones, “Today’s terrorists can strike at any place, at any time, and with virtually any weapon.”
But if it is so easy to pull off an attack and if terrorists are so demonically competent, why have they not done it? Why have they not been sniping at people in shopping centers, collapsing tunnels, poisoning the food supply, cutting electrical lines, derailing trains, blowing up oil pipelines, causing massive traffic jams, or exploiting the countless other vulnerabilities that, according to security experts, could so easily be exploited?

One reasonable explanation is that almost no terrorists exist in the United States and few have the means or the inclination to strike from abroad. But this explanation is rarely offered.

When we combine that commonsense observation with the legal framework of treating international terrorists like pirates, we could do away with most of the unAmerican nonsense that the Bushites have burdened us with.

A return to rationality, a return to our core values, could start this November with voting the conservatives out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if nothing happens, see, we should vote them out because there are no terrorists in and no one outside who can hurt us. If something happens, well then, we can blame the President.

Typical liberal. Typical member of the radical left.

Why can't you just admit it: THe US has been protected. The US is as safe as can be expected.

We don't need the Dem Party - the political wing of the Islamo-Fascists -- to be in charge.