Thursday, June 01, 2006

Live Journal makes war on evil breastfeeders

Six Apart, creators of Movable Type and, more recently, owners of LiveJournal, have decided to harrass LiveJournal users whose default icons depict breastfeeding. LJ user (and mother) bohemiancoast has more details:

So, LJ has decided to be hardline on the breastfeeding photos. Think I’m joking? Here’s an example. They’ve sent a notice of suspension to a user using this painting as a default icon:

it's the BVM breastfeeding, natch

Hat tip to Patrick at Making Light. Go, read, click! (lots of live links at the original)

As a former evil breastfeeder (of two) and daughter of another evil breastfeeder (of nine), this really chaps me. This is the twenty-first century, for Godssake!

Boycott on 6/6/6 and follow through, please.


Christine said...

There's a petition too, and a blog about other problems with LJ Abuse, you might be interested in them:

The Astral Technician said...

Sorry, Puddle. Bush canceled the 21st Century, but hey, 1954 was a great year, he's sure America won't mind that he reset the clock.

AHH the good ol days...

puddle said...

Thanks, Christine, will check them out.