Thursday, January 05, 2006

A Small Thing (well, not so small, lol!)

If, as Kung Fu Tse said, each journey begins with the first step, this is step two. . . . I think of a couple of Great Aunts who hauled handcarts across the plains. Carts containing all they owned. In search of a new world. This purchase is not unrelated.

And I did good: suggested retail price is $74.95. Was selling on-line for $49.95, with a liner. I walked it home from the Shopping Bazaar for $17.95. This is truly the Mercedes of shopping/laundry carts (made, of course, in China. . . . ).


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new "magna cart-er"!

Anonymous said...

The whole time the kids were at home in Florida we didn't have a washing machine in the house and I insisted on going to the laundromat once a week, hauling the laundry baskets on a little red wagon behind me down the street. The spouse hated to see me do that, but I insisted. Doing the laundry just once a week forced the kids (3) to be careful about how much dirty laundry they produced. (I wouldn't put up with clothes being pulled out of drawers and left on the floor to be stepped on).
If there had been a grocery within walking distance, I would have gotten a grocery cart like yours. They're a staple in New York. I kept trying to persuade the supermarkets in Florida to offer them for sale so neighborhood people wouldn't be tempted to take the shopping carts home and they wouldn't end up in the creeks from which we had to retrieve them in annual clean-ups.
The ultimate insult was that even after we'd gone to the trouble to haul the carts out of the creek, the supermarkets wouldn't come reclaim the carts that had their name on them.