Monday, November 21, 2005

The God I have experienced, who wouldn't snuff a smoldering wick, hears every voice and never gives up desiring. Never forces or imposes ~ has deepest respect for the soul's freedom ~ but always always encourages and is willing to receive the voice that calls.

God is the one who bears our authenticity so that when we are ready to receive it, it's intact.
God is the very ground of our being, the essence of hope, and pervades every atom of Creation.

Think of concentric circles.
Say there is a Point of Contact with the Holy.
Around that there is our Experience of the Point of Contact.
Around that is our Description of our Experience of the Point of Contact.
Around that is our Interpretation of our Description of our Experience of the Point of Contact.

Notice how far from the actual thing that occurred, the Point itself, our Interpretation of it is! This whole Process of Integration of the touch of God is important. Yet there sure seems to be plenty of room for error, thus plenty of room for humility.

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