Thursday, September 08, 2005

The dance of the hurricane

The intervals getting closer, the storms getting bigger. . . .

Race or poverty? Poverty and age played its role perfectly in their dances with Katrina.

Beautiful, Paine. I'm stealing this one, if you don't mind. Like to take it somewhere. . . .

8.3% of whites live in poverty.
24% of blacks live in poverty.

Get the picture?


That's real good. Put it that way and I feel good posting Dr Dean's comment:

“We must ... come to terms with the ugly truth that skin color, age and economics played a deadly role in who survived and who did not.”

ThanX, Paine

dream and dreaming, wake. to what? Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

puddle said...

Paine, that's a Mardi Gras "toy'? ~~ symbol. . .